
Becoming a member of a Masonic lodge involves going through three ceremonial stages, which are collectively known as “degrees.” These degrees are based on the journeyman system, which was used to train Medieval craftsmen. In this system, a craftsman had to achieve a certain level of proficiency before they could move on to the next stage. Symbolically, the degrees in Freemasonry represent the three stages of human development: youth, manhood, and age. Each degree is designed to teach a specific lesson, with the ultimate goal being to help members become better individuals and contribute positively to society. Through participating in these degrees, members gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their values, and their role in the world around them.

The initial degree of Freemasonry, known as the Entered Apprentice, is designed to provide candidates with their first introduction to the fraternity’s ceremonies. It is a solemn and meaningful event, much like all other Masonic ceremonies. During this degree, candidates are entrusted with the secrets of the Masonic Order, which are primarily moral and ethical in nature. They are expected to uphold these secrets in accordance with the laws of Freemasonry.

After successfully completing the Entered Apprentice degree, a candidate takes their first step as a Freemason and earns the title of “Brother.” This title reflects the fraternity’s emphasis on brotherhood and the importance of creating a community of individuals who share similar values and beliefs. As the candidate progresses through the remaining degrees, they continue to deepen their understanding of the Masonic principles and their role in promoting them. Ultimately, the goal of Freemasonry is to help individuals become better versions of themselves and contribute positively to their communities.

The term “Fellowcraft” has its roots in the ancient Guilds of Operative Masons, where it referred to skilled members of the craft. These members were considered literal “fellows of the craft” due to their expertise in the field. Within Freemasonry, the Fellowcraft degree represents a more advanced stage of the search for Masonic wisdom, symbolism, and philosophy.

In the context of the ancient Guilds, the completion of the Fellowcraft degree would have signaled a craftsman’s advancement from an apprentice to a journeyman. This advancement would bring with it a greater level of responsibility, learning, and work. Similarly, within Freemasonry, the Fellowcraft degree signifies the candidate’s continued growth and development as a Mason. Upon successfully completing this degree, the candidate is eligible to advance to the third and final degree of Masonry. Throughout this process, Masons strive to deepen their understanding of themselves, their values, and their role in the world around them, with the goal of becoming better individuals and contributing positively to society.

In Freemasonry, the third and final degree is known as the Master Mason degree. This degree represents a symbol of maturity in life and an increase in knowledge and wisdom. Through the Master Mason degree, the initiation ceremonies into the fraternity are completed, and the newly-initiated Master Mason is entitled to both the rights and responsibilities of membership.

One of the primary rights of a Master Mason is the ability to visit lodges throughout the world and connect with other like-minded individuals who share a common bond. This ability to share in fraternal fellowship is a hallmark of the Masonic experience and helps to create a strong sense of community among members.

While the Master Mason degree marks the completion of the initiation process, it is by no means the end of a Mason’s journey. Masons are encouraged to continue their pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement throughout their lives, with the ultimate goal of becoming better individuals and contributing positively to their communities.


Becoming a Freemason marks the beginning of a personal journey towards self-improvement and growth. Through your involvement in the fraternity, you will build strong and meaningful relationships with your Brothers, commit to serving those around you, and strive to cultivate deeper and more honest connections with yourself and others.

At its core, the Masonic experience is about self-discovery and enlightenment. By participating in the rituals and ceremonies of the fraternity, you will have the opportunity to explore your own values and beliefs, and to learn from the wisdom of those who have come before you.

Above all, being a Freemason is about making a difference. Through your commitment to the Masonic principles of brotherhood, charity, and truth, you can positively impact the world around you and help to create a better future for all. So take the first step on this journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, and find your own truth as a Freemason.